Clan Conveners


Thank you for your interest in representing your heritage and clan at the Elizabeth Celtic Festival at Casey Jones Park in Elizabeth, CO. Previously all the info was on paper and mailed out. That information is now listed below and the application and payment method have been converted to online. Please read the information below, submit your application, and then your payment. A PayPal account is NOT REQUIRED as they will process without one. If you need any help with this website, please email If you have any questions regarding participation in the festival, please email

Clan Info:

Clan Space Fee: $40 for a 10′ x 10′ space ($80 for a 20′ x 10′ space). Clans may choose to come only one day or both days– the fee is the same either way. Each clan will receive 2 weekend passes & a parking pass per 10×10 space.

Clan Expectations: Each clan or Celtic organization must be self-contained. Please bring your own tents, tables, chairs, and ice. The Festival is providing only the space for your tent.

Smoking Restrictions. You are welcome to smoke in your car or at our designated smoking area by the baseball diamond, as directed by the Elizabeth Fire Marshall. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation. 

Friday Check-in & Set-up (Recommended): Clan check-in starts at 1 pm. On Friday, after you check-in with Festival staff, you can drive your car directly to your location to off-load and set-up.

Saturday Morning Check-in & Set-up: If you check-in for the first time on Saturday, it is best to arrive as early as you can. Insurance requires that “no vehicles are on grounds when the number of pedestrians increases”, but we will try to get you as close as safely possible to drop off your materials. By 8:00 am ALL CARS must be off-grounds, so we recommend dropping off ALL your stuff, move your car, and THEN setting up.

Official Festival Hours: On Saturday, gates open to the public at 9:00 am. We may extend the Saturday activities into the evening because the evening is cooler and historically we’ve had a lot of people arrive late Saturday afternoon. Therefore, we will ask that clans wait until 5:00 pm before closing up their tents. We invite you to stay later but understand that you want to save some energy for Sunday. Please note that no cars are allowed on the grounds again until Sunday afternoon. Please secure your tents and belongings to your satisfaction before leaving Saturday evening. While we haven’t had any trouble, the Elizabeth Celtic Festival Committee cannot provide total security for your belongings. On Sunday, gates open to the public at 9:00 am and close at 4:00 pm.

Take-down on Sunday: Everyone is anxious to go home on Sunday afternoon, but please don’t pack up until the duty pipe band marches through Clan Village at around 4:00 pm. Cars will be able to enter the clan area until after 4:30 pm.

Vehicle Parking: We seek everyone’s cooperation in parking “out in the boonies,” to save the up-close parking for the paying public. If this doesn’t work for you, because you can’t walk that far, please let us know, and we’ll try to have a golf cart meet you. If that doesn’t work (and you don’t see a golf cart), then park where your conscience and the conditions permit.

Dogs:  Non-certified service dogs are strictly prohibited unless you receive a pre-approved exception. If you are an overnight registered participant via Clans, Artisans/Merchandise Merchants/Vendors, Living History, Animals of the British Isles, or are a registered Committee Volunteer and wish to discuss an exception, please email Exceptions will be handled by 72 hours prior-to the first day of the festival as our volunteers will be busy on the grounds and unavailable to process exceptions. Without an exemption, please understand that your animal will not be allowed.

Sales Policy: We understand that the clans might desire to offset their costs by selling clan merchandise. Unlike the larger festivals, we wish to continue to allow this practice. However, we cannot allow the sale of liquor out of the clan tents by any individual. Elizabeth Celtic Festival must have a liquor license and insurance to have the festival. Anyone not in the Pub(s) that is selling liquor is risking the festival being shut down. As a result, if you are found to be selling liquor at our festival, you will be asked to leave.

We are volunteers and have no desire to be enforcement. Please don’t make us.

Clan Activities & Events: Early Afternoon Clan Parade (both days) involving those clans that can spare someone to march with a clan flag or banner, behind a pipe band, which will end-up at Clan Village. Meet at the Camping Entrance at 11:50 am, march at 12:00 pm. The purpose of this Clan Parade is to bring attention (and hopefully people) to Clan Village, as well as provide some pageantry in the early afternoon. It does get hot in July, so there won’t be a ceremony or announcements. Bonny Knees Contest at Clan Village will be at 1:00 pm. This is meant to be fun and family-oriented. You’re encouraged to participate. Saturday Evening “Calling of the Clans” will meet at 8:30 pm. This clan family gathering gives up all the opportunity to share stories and goodwill. All welcome. Sunday Morning “Kirkin’ of the Tartans” Procession forms at the Front Gate at 9:00 am and marches to the Dublin Stage. This religious service should last approximately a half hour. The award for “Honor Clan Tent” will be awarded Sunday afternoon. The clans will select a clan-based on welcoming interaction with spectators.

Camping info can be found at this link. Please click here.


Note from the Webmaster: After submitting the application, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the webpage to get to the Paypal box. Sorry for the inconvenience, it’s the best this leatherworker can do. Thank you for your understanding. -Liz Keith

Submit the form above by clicking on the green ‘submit’ button within the form box BEFORE continuing to the Paypal button below.

Thank you!

Booth size:
Clan Name: