Community Organizations

Community Organizations Info

All applications must be received by July 1st.   Accepted applicants will be notified within two weeks (or less) of receiving applications. The Elizabeth Celtic Festival Committee reserves the right to refuse any application. Political groups are not allowed at this time. If you do not receive a confirmation stating we have received your application by July 1, please email

Fee for non-profit community organization space: There is no fee for Non-Profit and Community Organizations for a 10 x 10 booth. There is a $35 fee for additional 10 x 10 spaces. Organizations may choose to come for only one day or both days. Application Deadline is July 1st. Each Organization will receive wristbands, 1 parking pass, plus a location map when you check in at the gate on Hwy 86. 

Self-Contained:  Each Community Organization or similar organization must be self-contained. Please bring your own tents, tables and chairs. All organizations should have a canopy/tent and should also have a nice sign or banner naming your group. All tents must be staked or weighted down in case of inclement weather.

Sales: If you are selling anything it must be approved by the Elizabeth Celtic Festival prior to the event. Groups may only sell memberships and group-specific merchandise. You may not sell food unless prepackaged, like Girl Scout Cookies, due to health department regulations. You may not sell anything that conflicts with our paying vendors, merchants, or artisans.

Pets: Non-certified service dogs are strictly prohibited unless you receive a pre-approved exception. If you are an overnight registered participant via Clans, Artisans/Merchandise Merchants/Vendors, Living History, Animals of the British Isles, or are a registered Committee Volunteer and wish to discuss an exception, please email Exceptions will be handled by 72 hours prior to the first day of the festival as our volunteers will be busy on the grounds and unavailable to process exceptions. Without an exception, please understand that your animal will not be allowed.

Check-in & set-up: We highly recommend that you check in and set up on Friday. Volunteers are available to guide you to your assigned booth location between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. You should be off the grounds by 8:00 PM on Friday to honor our volunteers’ time. Check-in Saturday morning begins at 7:00 am, however, all vehicles must be off the grounds by 8:30 am per insurance requirements.

Check-in Location:  The main entrance to Casey Jones Park (off Hwy. 86 and next to the Pavilion Building) is the Loading Gate access point for all exhibitors who arrive within off-load time periods.  This entrance is closed to all non-emergency traffic from 8:30 am on Saturday until closing time on Sunday.

Check-In Procedures:  You will be greeted at the Hwy. 86 Loading Gate entrance during Check-In times by a cheerful volunteer, who will have your check-in packet. You must check-in with a Festival volunteer before driving up to your site to off-load.  Please enter off of Hwy. 86 for check in, not any other entrance. 

You will receive 2 entry wristbands for each day and 1 parking pass. Additional wristbands can be purchased at the Front Gate. You will need to pay the regular parking fee for additional vehicles. Once you have off-loaded, park your vehicle in the North Parking lot off County Road 17 (see Parking). Please off-load and move your vehicle off grounds as quickly as possible so we can avoid congestion on the grounds.

If you are interested in camping overnight during the festival, contact

Late Check-in:  If you are running late, you will be asked to proceed directly to the Main Parking Lot off County Road 17. You will need to find the Community Coordinator before setting up your booth or offloading any of your supplies. Our insurance coverage requires pedestrians only 30 minutes prior to the Festival start time, so your vehicle cannot be allowed on the grounds after 8:30 am either Saturday or Sunday morning.  

Check-OutPlease leave your site and nearby vicinity as clean or even better than it was when you arrived. You must be off the grounds by 8:00 PM Sunday unless prior arrangements are made. Be considerate of our volunteers who have been on site for four days.  We will be charged by the park for those who are not off grounds by Sunday night.  Thanks!

Parking: All vehicles or trailers must be parked off-grounds during the Festival. As soon as you off-load, we ask that you move your vehicle off grounds as soon as possible.  You should park in the north parking lot, north of the ball fields and rodeo grounds.  Do not use the loading entrance to enter or exit the park after Friday,  except on Sunday evening. 

All sellers are asked to use the North Parking Lot,  as parking is limited in our Main Lot. To get to the North Parking entrance, exit the Loading Gate by turning left onto Hwy 86. Drive west to County Road 17,  then turn right and travel north on 17 for a short distance.  You will go past the main parking area,  and past a church. Turn right and follow the road,  please park in the grassy area, not the dirt or by the rodeo grounds. There is a footpath by the rodeo grounds that takes you back to the festival site.  If you need handicapped parking, please make the Community Coordinator aware so we can make arrangements. 

All Questions about the Non-Profit Community Organizations: Email

Camping needs can be attended to by following this link or going to ‘Camping Info’ in the website menu.


Submit the form above by clicking on the blue ‘submit’ button within the form box BEFORE continuing to the Paypal button below (if applicable).

Thank you!

If you would like a booth larger than the free 10 x 10, please use the payment button below.

Booth size
Organization Name